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CHAPTER 1: The satisfaction of the customer

1.4 The value of the satisfaction

Understood them the customer is a fundamental good for a company, but it is also difficult to obtain and above all to estimate.
The value of the customers re-enters in fact between the so-called invisibili resources, that is between the "resources based on the information or that they incorporate it", which "the confidence of the consumers, the image of marks, the control of the distribution, the abilities to management" 6 .
These resources are considered more and more like key factors of the competitive advantage of whichever company. The situation odierna of the markets introduces a smaller question of the offer; the number of upgrades them customers is insufficient, and that makes yes that the cost of acquisition of the same increases.
It has been calculated moreover that to characterize a new customer it costs in average six times more than to maintain it once acquired. For this reason, it mainly turns out convenient to maintain the already acquired customers faithful, trying to increase the volume of transactions with they.
A faithful customer acquires a particular value for the company, data approximately from the frequency and from the entity of its she acquires repeated, considered along all the arc of the duration of its relationship with the supplier.
The fidelity of the customer gives many advantages in a generalized manner to the company, last the same one does not help to create an image of himself and its products better.
The customers who entertain long-lasting relations with a company, beyond needing of smaller operating costs for this last one, are greater sources of gain. Being satisfied of the previous experiences, they are more tilts to giving ulterior confidence the just supplying one, and consequently to carry out it is relative purchases you to the prodotti/servizi usuals in consisting way more and more (upselling), than to other products comprised in the range of offer of the same supplier.
Philip Kotler Writes: "the experience of the enterprises puts in evidence that the how much longest one is the duration of the customers relation, greater it is the profittabilità of the customers". Moreover, the positive image that the company has constructed towards the customer the protegge mainly from the abandonment risk, in the case takes place an episode strongly also dissatisfaction. Better analyzing the value of the satisfaction of the customer, or customer satisfaction, we find positive effects you:

In order to obtain the fidelity of the customer, or customer loyalty, it in the first place must satisfy it. A satisfied customer becomes faithful because she wishes to return to equip from the same company; moreover, he enriches the fornitrice company making of publicity positive and priming a vituous circle of positive relationships you with who it is in front line (front linens), rendering and satisfying the mutual relation pleasant.


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