CHAPTER 1: The satisfaction of the customer
1.1 Evolution of the concept of Understood them Customer
The customer today is considered part centers them of whichever company, and its value estimated like a true one and just understood them, to manage and to conserve with cure.
In passed the companies they were oriented mainly to the production, but in 1929 a world-wide crisis of the markets, caused from an inferior question regarding the offer and culminated in the landslide of the Ag of Wall street, gave the birth to new theories of marketing and began a way that has carried the companies to focus itself on the market and its real requirements.
In 1970 nacque the conception quality is free (the quality is free), is worth to say the conviction that a continuous improvement of the processes carried is inner efficiency, therefore cost reduction, is the satisfaction of the customer.
Always in these years, the institutes of market researches begin to be born and to develop themselves, given over to the study and the control of the attitudes and the behaviors of the consumers, regarding several categories of existing products.
In years Eighty instead, to continuation of the expansion of the consumptions and to the crescent competitiveness of the companies, the satisfaction of the customer divenne the priority objective to pursue, and not one consequence of the general business improvement.
It was supported was more convenient to maintain a customer that continuously to acquire some of new, and for this the use of techniques of measurement of its satisfaction was favorite.
During the years ' 90 these concepts of quality and satisfaction were integrated and strengthen to you from localization on the fidelity of the customers (or customer loyalty), like key in order to increase the profits.
The companies are today totally aware that their fates are tied to the power of chosen of the customer and that It is the true patrimony of the company.
First years 2000 are being revealed orient to you to search and to supply the value of purchase 1 , composed from the three variable ones: price, quality of the product and service.
The weight of single the variable ones is subjective for every customer, and is from the appraisal of the same ones that will then depend the total satisfaction reported to the single purchase.
1.2 The customer
Customer ", some restrictive ones exist numerous definitions of the term ", the other most complete ones.
The norm Iso 9000:2000 2 defines it like "organization or person that receives a product", listing a.tito it of example: consumer, committente, final utilizzatore, retailer, beneficiary and purchaser.
A wider definition includes in the concept of "customer" is the external customers, understandings like fruitori, is the inner customers, that is the dependent of the company.
Usually when it is spoken about satisfaction of the customer refers to the utilizzatori of the assets or business services to us.
These have their part an immense power, the choice faculty, that it can determine the survival less or than a company.
It is of costoro that the needs, the habits and the preferences in order to understand of which products are studied and services need, but above all monitora their level of satisfaction in order to align the business performances supplied to those waits.
Remarkable importance has also the inner customer of every company, that is the dependent of the same one.
Task of every organization is to try to withhold the just inner valid elements, that they create value to the rendered service let alone to the same image of the company, gratifying them and supporting them in their job.
Often the satisfaction of the external customer closely is tied to that one of the inner customer.
Many times in fact the front-linen staff is, for the fruitore, the only connection with the erogatrice company; from the type of supplied service and the attitude of these employee the level of satisfaction of the customers gushes above all therefore part of the corporate image and. It would be necessary therefore to support in their job, to recognize and to reward the persons of satisfactory contact so as to they judged.
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